Saturday – Sunday @ Ort Cafe
Leech is a multi-media composition that explores the moral and physical dimensions of music piracy. Leech includes components of sonification and music composition, using the actual mechanisms that enable BitTorrent downloads as mined data for real-time algorithmic sound production. Network data is mapped in musically and visually meaningful ways to produce an experience that embodies the look and sound of piracy. Furthermore, the actual music being pirated is itself used as a resource for audio processing and music composition. Performed in real-time, the composition provides multi-factorial insight into the world of music piracy.
Curtis McKinney. Born in 1983 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Education: BM, University of Oklahoma. MFA, Mills College. PhD(in progress) Bournemouth University.
Studied with: Fred Frith, Roscoe Mitchell, Chris Brown, John Biscoff, and Pauline Oliveros
Weapon of choice: Electric and upright bass processed by SuperCollider
Technical Requirements: Electricity, Amplification
Favorite micro-organisms: Brettanomyces
Favorite beer style: Russian Imperial Stout
Least favorite number: 127
Curtis is a reprogrammed rogue who undergoes constant inner turmoil regarding his mysterious past, which proves only to be his need to fight, and the the threat he believes he still poses to society. His main weapon is the Z-Buster and the Z-saber. He was created by Dr. Willy in order to replace Bass and later destroy his nemesis. It is unclear whom Wily was talking about. He entered a sleep capsule where he will awaken in 102 years later on August 15. Curtis makes sounds akin to a Commodore 64 violently exsanguinating 8-bit blood.