Floating Points II – live-performance for Sensor-table and Chirotron The digital musical instruments Sensor-table and Chirotron use several sensors to transform the movements and gestures of their players into data used for sound generation, placement and movement of the sound in the room. The piece emphasises the connection between the performer and the digital musical instruments by using the basic noise of the sensors as a notable characteristic in the sound synthesis to accentuate the technical boundaries in an aesthetic way. Both instruments were developed by Michael Vierling and Matthias Schneiderbanger at IMWI (Institute for Musicology and Music Informatics) at the Karlsruhe University of Music, Germany. The first piece for Sensor-table and Chirotron, Floating Points, was premiered at the ZKM_Kubus in Karlsruhe on 28th January, 2011, using the ZKM Klangdom with 43 Loudspeakers.
Matthias Schneiderbanger, musician and sonic artist, currently master student in music informatics with emphasis in composition and sonic arts at the Karlsruhe University of Music, Germany. Main foucs on development of digital musical instruments, sound installations and live coding. Concerts amongst others at the LMMF 2011 in Venice, next_generation 4.0 at the ZKM in Karlsruhe and the SuperCollider Symposium 2010 in Berlin.
Michael Vierling studies music informatics master at the Karlsruhe University of Music, Germany. He is drummer in several band projects and teaches a drumclass at School for Music and Performing Arts in Bühl, Germany. His main interests besides producing and performing music are sonic arts especially live-electronics and creating digital music instruments with use of sensor technologies. His works have been exhibited at various Festivals e.g. Beyond 3D-Festival in Karlsruhe, Next Level Conference in Cologne.