Network Music Festival

Sound without Borders // 15-18th July 2020

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Alo Allik + Yota Morimoto

This is a collaboration between two audiovisual artists who explore the nature of digital environments from different, mutually augmenting perspectives. In this performance the direct revelation of binary dynamics and rhythms of electronic circuits through custom-built sonic and visual models is expanded and contrasted with complex behavioral patterns of 3-dimensional artificial life and genetic programming algorithms. The tension and contrast between dense pulsating textures of binary audiovisual patterns on the one hand and rhythmic patterns originally derived from traditional ethnic music, but then digitized, filtered, and dehumanized in the network of genetic agents and mechanical automata afford the audience a challenging perceptual experience, simultaneously challenging, disorienting and yet familiar.

Alo Allik is an Estonian artist who has performed his audiovisual works, electroacoustic compositions, eclectic DJ sets and live electronic music throughout the world at some rather renowned and other more obscure events and festivals. His aesthetically and geographically restless lifestyle has enabled him to traverse a diverse range of musical worlds including DJ-ing electronic dance music, live electronic jam sessions, electroacoustic composition, free improvisation and audiovisual performances.

Yota Morimoto is a Japanese composer born in San Paulo, Brazil, currently undertaking a doctorate research at the University of Birmingham, UK. His works explore unconventional approaches to generating and transmitting sound, implementing models of noise, turbulence and abstract machines. Works have been presented at festivals and conferences such as Gaudeamus Music Week [amsterdam], TodaysArtFestival [den haag], NWEAMO [mexico], Transmediale [berlin], ISEA [ruhr, istanbul], makeart festival [poitier], EMUfest [rome], ICMC [belfast], and SMC [porto, barcelona].