Network Music Festival

Sound without Borders // 15-18th July 2020

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Tiny SC


The workshop will introduce my latest library for SuperCollider, called “tiny-sc”. This is in some ways similar to JITlib, however it contains several features that go beyond that. Notably, it makes use of the changed/update mechanism to support a simple kind of reactive programming, whereby dependencies of objects to changes of state are easily managed. Furthermore it introduces new classes for Patterns and Streams that present advantages over Pbind. These enable the modification of patterns on-the-fly throughout the system. More importantly, they enable the sharing of patterns by multiple players, where each player can interpret the pattern in a different way. By combining this feature with OSC networking (including automatic detection of SC clients in a LAN through use of the Utopia library), it is possible for multiple players to share patterns over the network. Finally, the changed/update mechanism is used to display the dependency states between processes such as patterns of different users, thereby providing useful feedback to each user about the current state of the performance. Tiny-sc is found in


The workshop will be followed by a live performance at a concert of the festival, with selected participants of the workshop.

Iannis Zannos

Iannis Zannos has a background in music composition, ethnomusicology and interactive performance. He has worked as Director of the Music Technology and Documentation section at the State Institute for Music Research (S.I.M.) in Berlin, Germany, and Research Director at the Center for Research for Electronic Art Technology (CREATE) at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has taken part at numerous collaborative Media Arts projects and has realized multimedia performances both alone and in cooperation with other artists. Currntly he is teaching audio and interactive media arts at the Department of Audiovisual Arts and at the postgraduate course in Arts and Technologies of Sound of the Music Department at the Ionian University, Corfu. Publications include: “Ichos und Makam” (Comparative Studies on the Modal systems of Greek and Turkish Music, 1994), “Music and Signs” and a chapter in The SuperCollider Book. Participation in artistic collaborations include (2000), with Martin Carlé programming of interactive sound for Eric Sleichim / Bl!ndman Quartet, and Ulrike and David Gabriel, 2005-2006: Cosmos-X – Multimedia installation with multiple audio and video projections based on the work of Iannis Xenakis, with Efi Xirou, and 2004-2005, with Jean-Pierre Hébert real-time sound programming for the installation series on “Sand of Changes” (SIGGRAPH 2005) and the interactive kinetic sculpture “Narcissus” (Through the Roadblocks, NEME, Lanitis Center, Limassol 2012). Currently Iannis Zannos is focussing on how environmental issues and problems of multi-culturality are reflected in Media-Art terms